Tom Bade is writing the book ‘Arnhem a remarkable Green City’. And in terms of studies, the book ‘New nature, new economy’ on the economic benefits of the Oostvaardersplassen will be published.
Triple E is the first party to conduct a study on the economic importance of beekeeping in the Netherlands. All this is recorded in the book: ‘The Netherlands, land of milk and honey’ and presented to the standing committee for nature and landscape of the Lower House.
The film de Nieuwe Wildernis is released and Triple E participates in the resulting Wildernis Cafés.
The first Brickz are developed in the mycolab and the piglet body warmer is developed in the thermolab. The first Brickz are tested in and during this period, Tom Bade also increasingly travels the country as a speaker and writes regularly for Trouw. It once again lands him in the Sustainable Top 100.