The days are getting shorter and the green light under which Tom Bade is writing comes on earlier and earlier. The green light has been the nocturnal sun for decades now, under which countless texts literally see the light. At the moment, these are the studies that we are conducting/the books that we are writing for the Animal Protection on repelling and the Gooi Nature Reserve with regard to the economic benefits of their sites. Without exaggerating, we can already say that these texts mark new paths for clients. Follow the sentences and walk to and through a new story, that’s how it will run.
Whoever writes remains, that is clear after 14 years of Triple E. Whoever writes remains, also applies to Dagmar Bade, who has a publication in the September issue of ‘De Levende Natuur’ with the beautiful title ‘Knowledge feeds wonder’ (Kennis voedt verwondering). Look, if such titles roll out of your keyboard, you can say without exaggeration that you can write. Certainly if the result ends up in ‘De Levende Natuur’, because the bar is so high for that that most just walk under it. The article deals with the subject of her graduation thesis and examines the question whether digital tools such as apps enrich, disrupt or change the experience of nature. If you want a scientifically sound answer, buy a copy at
As part of the project ‘Dredging, clippings and heath scrapings as a regional soil improver based on Brickz’, NIOO-KNAW, in the person of Gerard Korthals, has investigated the mycorrhization in the plant holes where we applied them. These are trials at Tree Nursery Rendering, Nursery Decohof Overgoor and the IJssellandschap foundation. And without exaggerating, we can already write here that the results were so positive that many of the participants could not rub off their amazement for the rest of the meeting. So stay tuned as we’ll be writing a lot more about this in upcoming newsletters once the results are fleshed out.
But we don’t just write, we – modern as we are – also use new media. Within the same project we also made a video about Brickz and the phytorefinery. This as a follow-up to winning our Rural Inspiration Award. Since we are not very good at editing films, it was shot in one go, just like the 1917 film. In short, very artistic and Tom Bade does indeed look like he came straight out of the trenches. Fortunately, he does not run through the mud where the war is raging, but walks very peacefully through the phytorefinery with dried mud in his hand: Brickz, the results of which hit the planting hole like a bomb. Afin, see
We are also successful in composting part of our green residual flows in Tencomposting machine, which we have sweetly called ‘Holle Bolle Gijs’ and which we have to feed daily, because everything is digested within 24 hours in a brown mass that we can immediately use as green manure. We don’t get it yet, but the process feeds our amazement and with that the knowledge will eventually come. See also:
And of course we harvested hops again this year, whereby Tom often stands at a lonely height when picking the stuff ……. on a ladder with a beautiful view over the mycoretum. As part of the 3BCT project, the hops go to the Vet & Lazy brewery, who convert it into beer ( We don’t understand the process of brewing, but it certainly fuels our thirst for knowledge. Because that also remains, the desire to always gain new knowledge and to feed our customers with wonder.