The new year has arrived and many of us of course have some new years resolutions. Lose some kilos, run the marathon, pick up the renovation of your house and perhaps go out in the great outdoors more. It’s all part of this time of year. Of course, we at Triple E also have some good intentions for the coming year.
Of course, we closed 2022 with a spectacular conclusion with a well-attended conference on the degradation of asbestos and PFAS using mycorrhiza, entitled ‘Demolition is degradation’. We have made an impression of the atmosphere for those who missed the meeting. If you want to see it, click on the link below:
Following on from this successful congress, we intend to revive an old tradition: the Green Christmas Lecture. We will organize these every year around a current theme, with great speakers. Of course in the Koepelkerk in Arnhem.
Although the Fiber2Fiber project came to an end with the conference, the foundation was simultaneously laid for the practical implementation of all knowledge. Our second good intention is that we will work very hard on the realization of one or more new phytor refineries. Obviously in Lieshout with Bavaria, but also in Arnhem at the Industrial Park Kleefse Waard (IPKW). If only because our location in Huissen is becoming too small.
Because we will of course also be making more Brickz. That’s a trend we’re seeing and we’ll be expanding our customer base significantly over the next year. For those who didn’t know yet: Brickz can be ordered through our webshop:
As far as the Brickz is concerned, we also intend to market the Brickz aimed at breaking down asbestos and PFAS. Another important intention is that we will improve our website, because with 13,000 visitors per year, it appears that this is still a very important medium for us to make our ideas and plans known to a wide audience.
And so we move forward step by step. Speaking of progress, it seems more and more that nature conservation and the environmental movement no longer believe in progress. Technical solutions are no longer accepted, it will have to be done by adjusting our lifestyle. And unfortunately that means we have to take a step back. In practice, this is also a good justification for failing policy: decline not as a form of failure, but as proof of a kind of natural law. But of course it remains policy failure. It keeps Tom Bade busy and that’s why he also spent an episode of Leaf Green on it (see link below):
The great danger is, of course, that this will evaporate public support for environmental policy and nature conservation. Because who wants to live in a society that is going backwards? Incidentally, that support is already disappearing now that we see that our policymakers themselves are not taking sustainability standards very seriously. In the House of Representatives people are still warm, the airport in Davos – where the WEF – meets, is full of private planes of drivers who decide during copious meals that it can all be an ounce less for the citizens of this world. Let us therefore especially intend to ask our directors to set a good example. That would be quite an improvement.