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Triple E
De staat van de natuurbescherming

In 2016, following the success of Berm tot Bladzijde, we also carried out a similar project in Flanders under the name ‘Bermstroom’. In doing so, we built an alliance between a number of Flemish authorities and the paper mills of Sappi and Stora Enso.
On behalf of Geldersch Landschap en Kasteelen, we carried out trials to produce Brickz based on dredging from the castle pond of Biljoen estate in Velp. For Trees for All, we worked on the financing and organisation of the memorial forest for the MH17 disaster
On his own initiative, Tom Bade wrote the book ‘The State of Nature Conservation’. The book deals with the motives of the government to actively engage in nature conservation. An essential question because nature conservation started with the declaration of Yellowstone national park in 1965. That is forty years before we established Natuurmonumenten in the Netherlands and thus an important question. The reasons for the state are rarely ecological, but rather have to do with goals of identity, safety, etc. Still very topical.
